Includes first 25 milkshakes and 1 hour of service. We bring everything necessary for service! Commercial grade, sound dampening Vita-Mix blenders, 12oz clear cups, straws, napkins, Blue Bell ice c...
**48 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED** Our barista sets up an elegant display with black linen and individually handcrafted coffee beverages for your guests. The service includes delivery, setup, a service t...
Priced per person. The basic set-up includes the first 50 beverages.
Example If you have a total of 75 guests, you put 25 in the quantity box next to this item.
TO CONFIRM AND FINALIZE YOUR EVENT: The catering agreement must be signed to confirm the booking of your event. Please print this order and initial each page and either fax back to 713.758.0125 or ...