Discover How Breakfast Delivery and Corporate Catering Can Make Your Next Downtown Dallas, Plano and Frisco Early Meeting a Slam Dunk post from Julie Nelson at C3.

Are you filled with dread when you hear about a morning meeting in the office because you know you'll be responsible for breakfast? Are you the one stuck picking up a massive amount of eggs and bacon or tacos and salsa that will stink up your car? If you balance steaming trays and bags of plastic cutlery from your car to the office before anyone else arrives, you probably wish there was a better way to serve your office breakfast in Downtown Dallas, Richardson, Plano and Frisco. There is, and it’s breakfast delivery with the help of corporate catering.

You can handle the next last-minute breakfast meeting by making one phone call and delegating this task to a trusted and capable corporate caterer. All you need is a headcount, a rough idea of the kind of food you wish to serve, and details about any dietary restrictions. Below, I outline the four ways breakfast delivery is your secret weapon for amazing early morning meetings.

1. Breakfast Delivery Saves You Time and Energy

There’s also no need to worry about doing the legwork of setting up your breakfast meeting, quarterly presentation, or large conference. One phone call takes care of so many things, from menu planning to clean-up.

You won’t have to stay late at the office researching delivery or pick-up options that can accommodate short notice or obsess over the details for large-scale service for your conference. You won’t have to wake up early, battle the morning rush hour on top of your regular commute, and drag yourself to a taco place. You won’t have to fit all the food and sides and condiments in your car, haul it to the office, and worry about how you’re going to get everything inside before that early morning meeting.

With breakfast delivery, there’s no need to stress out about lost orders or running out of staple items. We do the hard work of guaranteeing fresh, hot food for your event. We make sure you have chaffing dishes and serving utensils for your breakfast buffet, and we pick them up afterward. Your time and energy are valuable commodities, so we want to give you peace of mind.

2. Breakfast Delivery Wows Your Office

Let’s be honest— almost no one likes getting up early for breakfast meetings, and serving enticing food is the primary draw of such an early meeting. Who wants to start their day by sitting, or worse still, presenting at an early meeting? And who wants to get to work early for a meeting if the food is going to be bland and forgettable?

With the right menu, you can inject some much-needed energy and excitement into the meeting. Here are our three top-ordered breakfast menus:

Continental Breakfast

Need a buffet with scrumptious pastries made fresh that day? We partner with restaurants like Paradise Café and Bakery, Au Bon Pain, and Kolache Factory to provide muffins, Danishes, croissants, doughnuts, and even kolaches made that morning. Our continental breakfasts also include freshly sliced or chopped fruit. Other client favorites include Greek yogurt with fresh granola as well as oatmeal stations with raisins, walnuts, dried pomegranate, and brown sugar.

Consider breakfast casseroles and sausage platters for unexpected crowd pleasers.

Breakfast Sandwiches

If you need a quiet breakfast people can pick up and enjoy without a fuss, box breakfast sandwiches or warm breakfast sandwich trays are the way to go. With a roster of Downtown Dallas, Richardson, Plano and Frisco restaurants like Celebrity Café and Breakfast, Deli News, and Super Chix, we help you find delicious breakfast tacos, chorizo wraps, ham and cheese croissants, and eggs benedict. Need to keep tacos or sandwiches warm during a two-hour meeting? We offer set-up with chaffing dishes and wire racks, with options for you to keep or return them, depending on what works best for you.

Look for side dishes like fresh fruit trays and extra sauces to spice up their sandwiches.

VIP Pancakes, Waffles, and Omelet Stands

If you need a breakfast that will wow, consider adding a pancake, waffle, or omelet station to your continental breakfast!

It’s difficult not to smile when there’s a stack of hot pancakes from Beyond the Box in front of you. Arrange a chef on site to keep the fresh pancakes ready to serve. Additionally, consider whether to keep the pancakes plain or to offer some with blueberries or chocolate chips. A toppings bar with fresh fruits, syrups, and whipped cream will be a welcome surprise.

Chicken and waffles from Thornhill Catering are a perfect combination for a power breakfast with protein and carbs. You can choose whether to have the waffle iron a self-serve set-up. For just a little extra, a server will make the waffles fresh for a premium experience.

It’s first class service all the way with an omelet station. Attendees can choose their toppings and have their custom breakfasts delivered. Canadian bacon, sausages, scallions, bell peppers, cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese, and mushrooms are just some of the options you can offer your guests to make them feel like the VIPs they are.

3. Breakfast Delivery Satisfies Special Orders

If your office includes that one person with a long list of things they don’t eat, or if you have an array of dietary restrictions from gluten-free, vegetarian, low carb, or even paleo, we’ve got a breakfast for your office’s pickiest eaters.

If gluten is an issue, ask for gluten-free bread. You might also look for protein sides, salads, and oatmeal, which is naturally gluten-free. Having these options will ensure that people who avoid pastries won’t go hungry.

Vegetarians and vegans will have plenty of food to chose from. When ordering breakfast tacos or sandwiches, select at least one “veggie” option with hearty fillers like avocado and portobello mushrooms. If there are vegans, we ensure that there are cheeseless veggie options and that the bread is dairy-free.

People on low-carb or paleo diets will appreciate protein side dishes like sausage trays, salads, and whole grains. Allowing guests to self-serve sauces instead of having them on the food will also help calorie-counters to stay on track while enjoying the catered breakfast.

4. Breakfast Delivery Sets the Morning Meeting Atmosphere

The food you serve will set the atmosphere of the morning meeting and the entire day. If the process of getting the food is stressful to you and it disrupts the meeting, this can be one more thing that went wrong before things even got started. But, when the food is ready when the first person arrives, and when the food fits the occasion, you’re off to a good start.  

We help you think about the atmosphere you want to set for the breakfast. If there’s a strict timeline or very top-down order, then a quick breakfast sandwich or taco tray or box breakfast sandwiches are going to be a good bet so that getting the food to the guests doesn’t eat into the meeting time or serve as a distraction. 

If, instead, there’s a mingle and chat before a formal program gets underway, then serve a breakfast that lends itself to that format. Continental breakfasts that encourage grazing or waffle, pancake, or omelet stands might be just the conversation-starters you need.  

A breakfast meeting to impress would-be investors or high-priority clients will look very different, too. When you know whether they are the kind of people who will want shrimp and grits, versus avocado toast, we can help you choose the right breakfast cuisine to wow them. 

For out-of-town guests, think of the breakfast as a chance to showcase the local Downtown Dallas, Richardson, Plano and Frisco cuisine. We partner with locally owned restaurants, some of which also source their food locally. By serving fresh meals with seasonal ingredients, breakfast can be a welcome to Houston or Dallas--in addition to satisfying appetites. 

Corporate Catering Concierge is designed specifically for your expedient, detail-oriented, stress-free service. We pride ourselves on working closely with you to make your breakfast meeting the best it can be. We also want you to avoid problems with your breakfast order being lost or wrong, sitting in traffic when you should be in the office serving your team.

Make early morning breakfasts easy for yourself with our expert breakfast delivery.

To order with us, all you have to do is:

1. Give us your event’s details and the headcount, along with any special requests for themed food, variety, or dietary restrictions.

2. Let us do the rest, including set-up and pick-up of any buffet pieces or extra equipment you needed for your event.

Have you ever had to plan breakfast for an early morning meeting before? Which foods or menu items seem to perk everyone up and make the meeting a success? Do you have a special breakfast conference in Downtown Dallas, Richardson, Plano and Frisco on the calendar that you need to plan as soon as possible? Whatever your event needs, delegate to Corporate Catering Concierge and let us do the heavy lifting. 

Let's do breakfast!