How to Safely Cater to Your Office During the COVID-19 Pandemic post from Kara Anderson at C3.

It’s 2020 and instead of planning your next vacation, you are planning how to safely return to the office and school during a pandemic. Although none of us ever fathomed having to think about these things in our lifetime, we are all coming together to come up with real solutions to keep everyone safe. This is a whole new ball game, without the games, and we follow the mantra of better safe than sorry with so many uncertainties.

With so many other stresses in life right now, worrying about safe catering during a pandemic should not be one of them. Don’t worry, we have solutions that work and will keep you and your colleagues safe and full.

1. Use a trusted source

We at Corporate Catering Concierge are very serious about keeping everyone safe. We have talked with all of our caterer’s owners and managers to be sure they are taking all the appropriate steps to keep everyone well. We have always been transparent and have always expected it from our caterers. We take pride in the relationships that we have built with all of our partners and have 100% confidence in them and their food deliveries. Houston catering is something we’ve been doing for 12 years and Dallas catering for 3. If you have any concerns at all, do not hesitate to contact your concierge to discuss. It is absolutely our top priority to keep you and your colleagues safe.

2. Wash your hands and glove up

The CDC has told us since day one, the most effective way to prevent the spread is by washing your hands often for at least 20 seconds. This should be done before and after wearing gloves as well. Your company should provide these so be sure to have them available when you are handling food.

3. Mask Up!

Although we do not know much about COVID19, the best route is better safe than sorry. Make sure to mask up before collecting your delivery and while dispersing corporate catering meals (if you decide to supervise). I am sure your company will also have very specific guidelines for this, so be sure to follow their suggestions as well.

4. Clean and disinfect all areas

I don’t know about you, but I have become an expert at disinfecting everything that comes into my home so why not apply it to work? Disinfectant wipes are hard to come by these days, however you can make your own using high alcohol hand sanitizer. Cut paper towels in half and place them in a wipe dispenser or plastic bag and soak them with the sanitizer. Viola! Homemade sanitizing wipes. You can use these to wipe the surfaces, before and after the food arrives.

5. Opt for Contactless Delivery

The fewer contacts the better, right? Designate a drop off area where you can avoid contact with the driver during your food delivery. All caterers are accustomed to setting up as instructed.

6. Individual Boxes

Restaurants and caterers have learned to adapt as all of us have during this pandemic. All of them are currently offering individually boxed meals. Looking for Mexican food catering? No problem! Fajitas, enchiladas, tacos, we do it all! How about Mediterranean catering? Absolutely! Choose from hot wraps or kabobs, easy peasy. Looking for breakfast catering? Look no further! Eggs with pancakes or pastries with fruit, we’ll box it up for you. Of course, we always have a huge array of sandwich caterers to choose from as well. Whether a hot or cold, boxed lunch or boxed breakfast, we will your food delivery make it happen.

A lot of people are opting for catering hot meals, making it simple for everyone to pop it into a microwave for a little extra piece of mind. Another great way to minimize contamination is by asking the caterer to label each box by name. The days of rummaging through boxes are gone!

7. Have a plan

Make sure all participants know the plan and follow it. If you decide to supervise or personally hand out meals, make sure to have your gloves and mask on. You can even place x’s on the ground with tape for your colleagues to line up (6 feet apart, of course) to help them feel safe while collecting their meal.

Food has always been a source of comfort and nostalgia, both of which everyone can use during COVID19. We are learning to adapt and take things one day at a time. We can make catering to your office during a pandemic a comforting thing. Who doesn’t love a great meal delivered to the office? Whether you are catering in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio or Austin, we will make it an easy and stress-free experience. As always, do not hesitate to reach out with last minute order. We can always help.

What are your thoughts about catering to the office during COVID19? Do you have techniques that have been working well for you or a colleague? We’d love to hear!

Give us a call today!
